Patsy Kemp is
The Drover's Daughter.Click “The Book” below to read more about Patsy Kemps first book and veiw details on how to purchase.
The Drover’s Daughter
Drought, flood, cold, heat, Australia is a land of contrasts and to the bushies who live off the land they would have it no other way.
Is there anything more delicious than eating chops from a freshly slaughtered lamb, grilled in a shovel held over an open fire?
Travelling through north east Australia as one of seven kids with two adults, six horses, four dogs and 3,000 sheep, The Drover’s Daughter offers a fascinating insight into life in the outback.

Along The Drover’s Beaten Track
Mick Kemp lives in Inverell, New South Wales and is seriously considering retirement. Mick lived the life of a Drover. He moved cattle & sheep across this great wide land of ours, Australia. He can tell you a yarn, and that’s exactly what he’s done.
Mick tells of his early life, as a somewhat, feisty teenager, who got himself into the “odd blue”. He took on droving at an early age and made a whole new set of rules for the modern drover.
This is a book for the average Aussie.
You’ll identify with the language, the locations and the situations. It’s ‘A Bloody Good Yarn!’ So, sit back in your favourite chair, slap on your hat and sunscreen and treat yourself to some home grown, Aussie humour!!

30 Years Droving at its Best
Mick Kemp lives in Inverell, New South Wales and is seriously considering retirement. Mick lived the life of a Drover. He moved cattle & sheep across this great wide land of ours, Australia. He can tell you a yarn, and that’s exactly what he’s done.
Mick tells of his early life, as a somewhat, feisty teenager, who got himself into the “odd blue”. He took on droving at an early age and made a whole new set of rules for the modern drover. But this is not a book just for drovers & cattlemen! This is a book for the average Aussie. You’ll identify with the language, the locations and the situations.
It’s ‘A Bloody Good Yarn!’
So, sit back in your favourite chair, slap on your hat and sunscreen and treat yourself to some home grown, Aussie humour!

Patricia Blackwell
aka Patsy Kemp
When I moved to Melbourne in 1971, aged 20, I took with me a broad country Aussie accent that had people mocking me about the way I spoke. Dog was never “dog” it was “dawg” plus I had no dress sense and many other bushie quirks. I quickly learnt a port was where ships came in and a suitcase was for placing clothes for travel.
As I spoke to others over the years they kept telling me I should write a book about my experience of being a drover’s daughter. In early 1980 I started to put my memories on pieces of paper. Some of these I copied out and sent to my Mum, Emmie and Mary to add to. Mum made an effort to fill in the gaps, Emmie did as much as she could but she found it very streeful to talk about our past life “in the long paddock” and Mary did not acknowledge my notes. With their help and the memories I gathered over the past 25 years I have managed to get a book together that I am proud to call my own.
A number of people both living and dead are mentioned in this book, which is my personal account. Any misconceptions that might be perceived are mine alone.
Patsy Kemp